lundi 27 décembre 2010

Situation of children in Haiti

All around the world, Children are suffering. This problem is occurred either by the premature pregnancy of the young Girls or by the politic-economic of the country. Even though Children represent the Hope of our society but they do not pay attention to their Suffering, whereas I am convinced that they should be treated honorably.
IT is not a secret for anybody that we are facing a very dangerous situation by having too many forsaken Children in the street who do not have the bread of Education. Without beating around the bush, It is obvious to see those needy and forsaken Children represent a menace for our world if no one pay attention to their cry. They are subjecting to become the most dangerous Gangsters and Kidnappers if they do not take in charge.
Hopeful Foundation that has its slogan “a better Child for a better world” is working to facilitate more Children to have access to Education, Health care, Food and clothing. And so on
My Main objective:
To have a considerable increasing of souls which pass the darkness in to the magnificent light. Through this foundation they can receive good education because Christian education plays a demonstrating role in lifestyle of a Child.
To fight for a holy and fair society through these Current Children because without Good education they can do harm to the society.
Contributing to reduce the rate of illiteracy and juvenile delinquency of the Haitian’s Children.
To inculcate to them, the tolerance, mutual respect, Love, justice, Morality. Without forgetting that morality teaches us our duties towards God, towards our Fellows and to ourselves.
Fight against ignorance and to allow the needy Children to have bread of instruction, fight against drugs, prostitution, and the premature pregnancy which is increasing considerably since after the earthquake that Occurred on January 12.
Teach them the sense of leadership, the Love of work and the respect of the laws.

Now I have 60 Children that is being Supported by Meal-a-day, which is our direct partner. I am persuaded that they could give more if they had the means but what they do is very appreciable and it really helps some of the Children to go to school and to find food.

Message for then Donators: if you are not sure to know where the money you have invested go, I advise you to deal with meal a day because it is a positive Organization that is supporting needy Children almost everywhere in the World.

AS Followers of Jesus Christ who paved the way and always had pity on people during his earthly Ministry. We cannot do different if we are followings his steps, unless we are attempting to deceive our self. I do believe that real Gospel cannot be preached only by words but also by actions because real love is in Sharing. God Himself Made the first step by mentioning that he loves the world. Not only he said that but also he proved that by sending his only one Son Jesus Christ to save the Mankind

Are you Jesus’followerrs or you are religious People? Here is what the Bible says regarding being religious: Pure Religions before God is to take care of the Orphans and Widows in their suffering. And to keep oneself from being corrupted in the world. James: 26-27 and the bible says also in the book of Mathew Chapter 25:35-39 , I am was Hungry You fed me, Thirsty and you gave me Drink, I was stranger and you received me in your homes, Naked and you clothed me , I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.

I always ask myself this question, what will the egoistic people do when Jesus comes back? By throwing away food everyday whereas so many needy, Fatherless and Motherless Kids are suffering for finding Food, drinks, naked, barefoot and without education at all.

I am widely opened to be contacted either my emails or cell Phones. No matter whom you are, no matter where you are from. Either you are King, Queen, President, Teachers, and technicians, Writers, Singers, Professionals, Footballers, Pastors and Mission of Charities.

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